
一、 題目

  1. Attempts to make a network that can't be used for copyright infringement always converges with the surveillance measures that we know from repressive governments. (節錄自 The Coming War on General Purpose Computation)
  2. While many BitTorrent sites and cyberlockers continue to operate as usual, there is a growing group of users who are expanding their horizons to see what other means of sharing are available if the worst case scenario becomes reality. (節錄自 Anonymous, Decentralized and Uncensored File-Sharing is Booming)
  3. We are at a moment in history where people who have absorbed the idea of copyright, but who are not ideologically committed to it, have seen that it conflicts with more deeply held values: freedom of expression, commerce, digital life, the Internet. (節錄自 SOPA is the Symptom, Copyright is the Disease: The SOPA wakeup call to ABOLISH COPYRIGHT

二、 解答

  1. Attempts (to make a network (that can't be used for copyright infringement)) (always) converges with the surveillance measures (that we know from repressive governments).
    這類的企圖/嘗試最終 (總是) 會變得跟某個東西一樣。
    什麼樣的企圖嘗試? 想要建立一種特定網路的嘗試。
    什麼樣的網路? 不能被拿來協助盜版的網路。
    一口氣的翻譯: 每當我們想要建立一個 「不能被拿來協助盜版」 的網路, 到最後總會得到一個類似專制國家政府的控管機制。
  2. (While many BitTorrent sites and cyberlockers continue to operate (as usual)), there is (a growing group of) users (who are expanding their horizons (to see [what other means of sharing are available (if the worst case scenario becomes reality)])). (節錄自 Anonymous, Decentralized and Uncensored File-Sharing is Booming)
    (儘管很多 BT 網站跟網路空間繼續正常運作), 開始有 (越來越多的) 特定某類用戶出現。
    什麼樣的用戶? 正在拓展他們視野 (原意: 地平線) 的用戶。
    拓展視野想看什麼? 看看 (當最壞的可能性變成事實的時候), 還有哪些其他分享 (檔案) 的方法可用。
    一口氣的翻譯: 儘管很多 BT 網站跟網路空間仍然繼續正常運作, (現在也) 有越來越多的用戶開始拓展他們視野, 看看當最壞的可能性變成事實的時候, 還有哪些其他分享檔案的方法可用。
  3. We are at a moment in history (where people (who have absorbed the idea of copyright), (but who are not ideologically committed to it), have seen [ that it conflicts (with more deeply held values): freedom of expression, commerce, digital life, the Internet.
    哪些人們? 那些 「已經吸收了 "著作權" 的概念, 卻又尚未在思想上全心地服膺這個概念」 的人們。
    看見什麼事? 著作權跟許多更深層的價值衝突: 言論自由、 商業、 數位生活、 網際網路。
    一口氣的翻譯: 我們正處在歷史上的一個特殊的時刻: 許多人們已經吸收了 "著作權" 的概念, 卻又尚未在思想上全心地服膺這個概念; 這些人開始發現: 著作權跟許多更深層的價值衝突: 言論自由、 商業、 數位生活、 網際網路。

三、 圖示

    • 句子
      • Attempts
        • to
        • make
        • a network
        • (*)
          • that
          • can't
          • be used
          • (*)
            • for
            • copyright
            • infringement
      • (*)
        • always
      • converges
      • with
      • the surveillance measures
      • (*)
        • that
        • we
        • know
        • from
        • repressive
        • governments
  1. (略)
  2. (略)