形容詞 (adjective)
- 句子
- The (*) dog
- yellow
- ran after
- the (*) cat
- black
- The (*) dog
- 句子
介系詞片語 (prepositional phrase)
- 句子
- The dog
- (哪一隻狗?)
- across
- the street
- is looking
- (看什麼?)
- at
- you
- 句子
- 句子
- The boy (*)
- with
- books
- in
- his left hand
- ate
- your lunch
- The boy (*)
- 句子
不定詞片語 (infinitive phrase)
- 句子
- Mary
- needs
- a bag
- (幹嘛用的?)
- to
- hold
- the books
- 句子
形容詞子句 (adjective clause)
- (被形容的名詞, 在子句裡是主詞)
- 句子
- Mary
- caught
- the pen (*)
- that/ which
- fell
- (從哪裡?)
- from
- the desk
- 句子
- (被形容的名詞, 在子句裡是受詞)
- 句子
- Mary
- caught
- the pen (*)
- (that/ which)
- John
- threw
- (對誰?)
- at
- paul
- 句子
- (被形容的名詞是人, 在子句裡是受詞)
- 句子
- One of the kids (*)
- (that/ whom)
- John
- brought
- (到哪裡?)
- to
- the party
- broke
- the glass
- One of the kids (*)
- 句子
- (被形容的名詞, 在子句裡既非主詞亦非受詞)
- 句子
- John
- gave
- Mary
- a bag (*)
- into which
- she
- could put
- her books
- 句子
- (描述時間的形容詞子句)
- 句子
- Mary
- left
- Taiwan
- on
- the very day (*)
- (when)
- John
- arrived
- 句子
- (描述地點的形容詞子句)
- 句子
- Mary
- went
- to
- the city (*)
- (where)
- she
- and
- John
- first
- met
- 句子
分詞片語 (Participial Phrases)
- (被形容的名詞, 是做那個動作的主詞)
- 句子
- Mary
- caught
- the pen (*)
- falling
- from
- the desk
- 句子
- (被形容的名詞, 是被那個動作作用的受詞)
- 句子
- Mary
- caught
- the pen (*)
- thrown
- at
- paul
- 句子
- 本頁最新版網址: https://frdm.cyut.edu.tw/~ckhung/b/en/adjective.php; 您所看到的版本: April 19 2014 10:03:24.
- 作者: 朝陽科技大學 資訊管理系 洪朝貴
- 寶貝你我的地球, 請 減少列印, 多用背面, 丟棄時做垃圾分類。
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