Odile Bénassy @ Taiwan, 2009
Odile Bénassy is a software engineer at Université Paris Sud ("Orsay"), working for research centers. She leads the GNU Edu project. She is a member of the Intergeo european consortium (http://inter2geo.eu). She's also a translator from English and German. She also translates several free software packages into French.
In fall 2009, NCHC invites her to give speeches in Taiwan. Jazz Wang keeps tracks of her schedule.
Below is a short introduction of one of her talks.
GNU Edu and Educational Metadata
GNU Edu is a web-based catalog for educational resources
The problem is to be able to retrieve documents for specific educational tasks.
Classifications need to be made not only according to language, title, author, keywords .. like any document. But also in relation to concepts like curricula and educational purposes.
Additionnally, when it comes to internationalization, you need a way to establish meaningful relationships between curricula for every country and subject.
We will review these categories of metadata and the associated standards.
Then we will present GNU Edu software as a possible response.