Formal Methods of Describing Syntax
- context-free grammar
- Bakus-Naur Form, Extended BNF, syntax diagram (syntax
- metalanguage
- rule/production, grammar
- terminal, nonterminal, start symbol
- derivation, sentential form
- parse tree
- operator precedence and associativity
- ambiguous garmmar, unambiguous garmmar
左算右算是否相同? |
習慣上從那邊開始算? |
+ |
associative |
left associative |
- |
non-associative |
left associative |
power |
non-associative |
right associative |
Syntax Diagrams
Names, Bindings, Type Checking, and Scopes
- case (in)sensitive
- keyword, reserved word
- 6 attributes of a variable: name, address, value, type,
lifetime, scope
- alias
- binding
- declaration, definition, reference/invocation
- allocation, deallocation
- static, stack-dynamic, explicit heap-dynamic, implicit
- type checking, compatible, coercion
Data Types
- primitive data types
- subscript/index, array slice, row major order, column major
order, associative array
- anonymous variable, dereferencing, dangling pointer, lost heap
dynamic variable, tombstone, memory leakage, reference counter,
garbage collection
Expressions and Assignment Statements
- short-circuit evaluation