
Formal Methods of Describing Syntax

  1. context-free grammar
  2. Bakus-Naur Form, Extended BNF, syntax diagram (syntax graph)
  3. metalanguage
  4. rule/production, grammar
  5. terminal, nonterminal, start symbol
  6. derivation, sentential form
  7. parse tree
  8. operator precedence and associativity
  9. ambiguous garmmar, unambiguous garmmar
左算右算是否相同? 習慣上從那邊開始算?
+ associative left associative
- non-associative left associative
power non-associative right associative
Syntax Diagrams

Names, Bindings, Type Checking, and Scopes

  1. case (in)sensitive
  2. keyword, reserved word
  3. 6 attributes of a variable: name, address, value, type, lifetime, scope
  4. alias
  5. binding
  6. declaration, definition, reference/invocation
  7. allocation, deallocation
  8. static, stack-dynamic, explicit heap-dynamic, implicit heap-dynamic
  9. type checking, compatible, coercion

Data Types

  1. primitive data types
  2. subscript/index, array slice, row major order, column major order, associative array
  3. anonymous variable, dereferencing, dangling pointer, lost heap dynamic variable, tombstone, memory leakage, reference counter, garbage collection

Expressions and Assignment Statements

  1. short-circuit evaluation